Hello visitor

Well hello there.
My name is Christoph Lendenfeld and I am an Austrian, vintage 94 CG artist. I focus mainly on animation and rigging/TD stuff, which seems like an odd combination but my education covered programming down to C++, which honestly is a blessing in 3D software. I've been working mostly in Maya but all personal projects usually also include Blender for modelling. That said I think software is usually not the issue as it can be learned in a reasonable amount of time. And on that subject: I think it's a good thing that in the CG industry the learning never stops. Knowing it all with no way to improve would be my downfall.

In late 2018 I finished my Master's course "Digital Arts" at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg. Now I am looking to move to London and get work there.
I'd love to get into feature or TV animation but I'll see what the future brings.

If you'd like to contact me, just write me an email:
